End users' statements
‘The graphics are eye-catchy. The interface is easy to use. You can easily tell what does what. This is very important as it enforces students to focus on the game plot and on the language learning tasks.’
“The learners of both classes were very enthusiastic about the game. They demonstrated interest and curiosity about their performance, mainly due to the fact that some of them would like to work abroad.”
‘The game helps you improving your listening comprehension skills. It also simulates communication in real work conditions’
“I enjoyed the fact that the dialogues were conducting in a cultural context, supporting concurrently the idea of the transparency of the ‘labour borders’”.
“The application can be easily adapted for the different age target groups starting from the persons immediately graduated up to the professionals with an essential quantity years of experience”[…]
“This game is very original and thus really useful[…]”.
“It would be rather nice to have the possibility to complete your actual profile before beginning the game and, later on, what you would encounter during the scenario could be adapted to your own experiences and to the information provided. Something like a RPG in which the main character is the actual player with his or her real characteristics”.
‘We have been exposed to multiple choices before. But here the task is differ-ent, you need to understand the scenario and to know what you would like to achieve when you interact with people from different countries’
‘We practiced English language skills in a clever and attractive way. Courses can be enriched with games like siLang serious game’
“I couldn’t even imagine how much enjoyment I could draw from such an ap-plication. It is somehow strange that nothing similar has ever been developed in the past but I think that siLang is here to make up for this. I suppose that if something similar had existed back when I was looking for a job, it would have been really helpful and it would have saved me time and effort”.
“One of the most important aspects of this game, is that it gathers together many words that fit in the same context so it is easier for the user to re-member them after the game ends. I suppose that I could also use this spe-cific vocabulary in case of a job opportunity in another country”
“....Errors are not errors. I don’t know how to put it exactly but what I really like about this game is the fact that even in the case of an incorrect answer, there is no punishment or discouragement in any form or by any means. The results of our choices are reflected directly in the story...”
“...We can do anything through a multitude of answers which comes very handy to be honest. If I had to type the answers- this could have been really boring task- I don’t know if I would feel the same level of engagement or im-mersion in the game...” (Comment provided by a participant group)
“I liked the nature of the tasks- one of the great things actually is that you can spend as much time as you like and if you feel that you need more practice, you can do it again and again. It is pretty easy to use the interface and there are lot of things to explore...”
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