The experimental method in qualitative research
Experimental research and design, on one hand, employs random assignment of units, i.e. subjects, classrooms, schools, districts, etc., to conditions, i.e. experi-mental treatment group or control group. Experimental research methodology is based in generating hypothetical counterfactuals. Essentials of an experimental research should be the manipulation of an independent variable as well as the at-tempt to control and hold constant all other variables except the dependent one and effect observation. In an experimental model the researcher attempts to main-tain control over all factors that may have an effect on the result of the experiment and in doing this she attempts to determine or predict what may occur. The design is just a blueprint of the procedure that enables the researcher to test a hypothesis by reaching valid conclusions about relationships between variables, independent or dependent. The usual steps that are involved in conducting an experimental study are:
- Identifying and defining a problem
- Formulating hypotheses and deducing consequences
- Constructing a fully detailed experimental design
- Conducting the experiment
- Collecting raw data throughout the experiment
- Compiling data in usable form
- Applying appropriate tests of significance
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